Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Riding the news story

As information explodes at the readers from multiple platforms - newspapers, TV, internet, radio, blogs, facebook, tumblr, and twitter - news organisations are thinking of news ways of staying top of eye-balls and attention spans. The Associated Press recently organised a think-tank meeting on how to stay on top of the news stories. An interesting read on how the AP wants to bring the New Distinctiveness into its working.

A new study by Pew's Project has found that twitter, blogs, and social media are harsher on US presidential candidates than the mainstream news media. 

                    Adolf Hitler at the opening of Grosse Deutsche Kunstausstellung in 1939 in an archived image
                                         Photo courtesy: The Art Newspaper

New research has brought into focus Nazi-era art which includes some 100,000 photographs compiled in an online catalogue by Munich's Central Institute of Art
Research sheds light on Nazi-era art From The Art Newspaper

In an interesting development, twitter is being used by anti-government fighters, the Al-Shabab fighters, in Somalia. An Al Jazeera reporter interviewed them.

Somalian fighters tweet their way From Al Jazeera English

Happy reading!

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