Friday, August 26, 2011


Henri Cartier-Bresson and his work has always amazed me. One man with a tiny Leica camera shooting  with a 50 mm lens and always in black and white has captured so much before he moved back to his first love of painting. His portraits amaze me even more because he has got so many wonderful people on film for posterity.
In the above pictures, the wonderful painting like portrait of Kashmiri women at the crack of dawn was the first ever picture of HCB that I saw at an exhibition Leica Cameras brought to Mumbai's Piramal Gallery way back in 1993-94. Then on thanks to my photojournalist friends Soumitra Ghosh and Vikas Khot, I got a chance to see more of Bresson's work through a series of HCB's books.
That HCB is also seen as a street photographer is interesting. 10 Things Henri Cartier Bresson Can Teach You About Street Photography gives a glimpse of this perspective.

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